IEEE ICDM Data Mining Competition

By | 2011/04/12

Call for Proposals

ICDM 2011 Data Mining Contest

We invite proposals for organizers of the ICDM 2011 Data Mining Contest. The Data Mining Contest is an integral part of the ICDM conference and provides an opportunity for teams of scientists and domain experts to compete in order to develop data mining techniques for real-world applications.


Proposals should contain the following information.

1. Contest title and abstract

2. Contact information for the organizer(s)

3. General description of the problem

4. Description of the dataset to be used

5. Description of the specific competition tasks

6. Evaluation metrics or tool to be used for evaluation

7. Plans for contest web site (e.g.,,, other)

8. Prize structure

9. Short biography of organizer(s)

10. Description of compensation (if any) that could be awarded to winners (organizers are encouraged to solicit awards and prizes from sponsoring entities)

General Guidelines

•  The dataset should be interesting, available, and sufficiently large

•  The task(s) should be interesting and accessible without too much domain knowledge

•  The evaluation measures should be well-defined

•  The contest timeline should adhere to the dates below

•  Proposers are encouraged to review past ICDM contests

Important Dates

•  April 29, 2011: Deadline for contest proposals emailed to both contest co-chairs

•  May 13, 2011: Notification of acceptance

•  June 17, 2011: Contest begins, announcement to participants (tasks, datasets, metrics, website available)

•  September 16, 2011: Contest ends, final submission of contest results

•  September 23, 2011: Submission of 2-3 page report from each contest team in ICDM format

•  October 7, 2011: Submission of camera-ready papers by selected teams

•  December 11-14, 2011: Winners announced at ICDM conference

ICDM Contest Co-Chairs

• Larry Holder, Washington State University,

• Ashok Srivastava, NASA Ames,