CIDU 2012
The 2012 Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding (CIDU 2012) is organized under the theme of “Bringing Data and Models Together” and will attract top researchers and practitioners in the field of data mining focusing on applications to Earth & Environmental Systems, Space Science, and Aerospace & Engineering Systems. The Organizing Committee is soliciting theme-oriented papers that advance one of these areas through the use of data mining, machine learning, or computational intelligence techniques. We invite papers that include a clear link between the domain and analysis methods, and papers that give perspectives on methods to bring data-driven and model-based methods together are particularly sought. We also invite submission of 2-page extended abstracts for posters reporting new and interesting results, ideas, or work-in-progress.
All papers and posters will be peer-reviewed based on technical merit, significance, originality, relevance, and clarity. Papers should be no more than 8 pages and describe original work not previously published in a refereed conference or journal. The CIDU 2012 proceedings will be indexed by IEEE Xplore and DBLP. Selected papers will be invited to be extended for consideration in the journal Statistical Analysis & Data Mining.